
Salvaging, Catalyst fitting

Time to revisit the Catalyst. Had I known then what I do now the destroyer would have received some love but unless I want to fly an Eris, which is highly unlikely, this particular vessel will only face the aftermath of conflicts. Yet the Catalyst has overcome its status as a giveaway ship because they make one of the best salvagers.

For those just starting out, I would suggest blitzing the lower level missions and ignoring salvaging and even looting. Instead find the niche that leads to a win-win scenario. Often times a mission runner will ask salvage hungry newbies to tag along level 4 missions, or vice versa. The salvager gains a sizable sum of ISK per hour from wrecks, a small portion of bounties, standing with the corp and agent. In return you split the proceeds to a prearranged ratio and everybody goes home happy.

A typical Catalyst fit for salvaging would look like this:

  • Lows
    • Expanded Cargohold II x3
  • Mids
    • Cap Recharger II
    • 1MN Afterburner I
  • Highs
    • Small Tractor Beam I x3
    • Salvager I x5
  • Rigs
    • Small Capacitor Control Circuit I x3 (or Small Salvage Tackle I)
Cap recharge intensive fit is for people like me who are lazy, unwilling to stagger modules when capacitor runs low, or those who wish to transform their Catalysts from/to other roles. Small Salvage Tackle I rigs will improve the chance to successfully salvage a wreck by 10% so if you want more tractor beams in the high slots, these rigs will compensate by increasing your chances.

Further reading: EVElopedia has a detailed salvaging guide.

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