
Thorax on a mission

As hinted on my last post - a new ship. Voila!
Now that I have it in my possession, the Thorax doesn't look as good as I thought it would be. Nonetheless I am grateful for finally owning a vessel I can bare to glimpse. Great motivation to play. Many Gallente ships have Greek names such as Thorax, Ares, and Eris. Thorax means chest plate, but the ship's notoriety for being a glass cannon makes it sound quite ironic.
The reason I hurried to fly the Thorax despite my low skill points was because I couldn't stand staring at the Catalyst anymore, and my habit of wanting to breeze through a given level of missions in superior equipment. In this case the only thing that seems to have improved is the size of the ship. Hull upgrades were only at level 2 when I was fitting Normandy JR2(a la Mass Effect), therefore my options for passive tanking were energized plates, not membranes.

Even though the DPS is dreadful I am happy with the results I saw on chapter 6 of The Blood-Stained Stars. The roar of medium turrets is menacing, unlike its small counterpart for frigates which sound like firecrackers. Meanwhile I've decided to concentrate on drone skills and by the weekend my DPS should increase significantly when I pick up Drone Interfacing. Gunnery will follow shortly. The first few days training learning skills put off a great deal of interest in the game but I am glad that those days are behind me even if they're not over yet.

Hopefully I'll become a better pilot by the time I am ready to move on to the next ship.

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